Browsing Tag: Infographics

Remote Year

Losing at Translations

I’m three months into living in Spanish-speaking countries, and I really thought that by now I’d be speaking more Español than I have been. The challenge of living, traveling and working alongside 50+ native/fluent English speakers is that it’s really hard to break out of my language comfort zone. When circumstances do call for speaking Spanish, there’s almost always someone…

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Remote Year


The Oxford English dictionary begins the definition for community as “a group of people living in the same place,” and continues with variations on that theme of place: a particular area of place considered with its inhabitants a body of nations or states the people of a distinct countryBut when countries and places constantly change, a different sense of community forms, a community based on common…

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Remote Year, Unraveled

Leaving Lisbon with a Little Level 3 Fun

Back at the beginning of August during our initial Remote Year orientation in Lisbon, our program leaders introduced a philosophy the company has termed “Level 3 Fun” that is totally in the spirit of Unraveled Travels. The concept classifies “fun” into three different levels:  Level 1 FunEveryday activities you find simple pleasure in. Level 1 Fun is Sunday morning coffee and crossword puzzles. Happy…

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Infographics, Photo Gallery, Remote Year

Remotely Interesting

Wow. What a month and a half. On July 31, I arrived in Lisbon, Portugal to kick off a year of traveling, working, living, adventuring, and generally badassing around the world with Remote Year, which I’ve been describing as an international mobile coworking program. Every month for a year, 75(ish) of us “digital nomads” move together to a new foreign city where we live, work…

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